Natural, Healthy Ways to Get the Best Sleep


At this point, I’m sure you know that proper sleep is essential in maintaining physical and mental health. Good sleep makes you think more clearly, it boosts your immune system, you feel a lot better throughout the day and so much more, according to this article by Healthline.

With the new year just beginning, it’s the perfect time to focus on wellness and health in regards to eating healthy, staying active, and getting the best sleep. These are my tips to get amazing sleep, and although I don’t always stick to these habits, I definitely feel the difference on the days I follow this nighttime routine:


1. Read Before Bed

Two hours before I plan on going to bed I start reading whichever book is at the top of the pile. Everyone is different, but I don’t like digital or audio books—I’m old school. Not only does it force me to limit my screen time before bed, but I fly through books when I stick to this routine. Fair warning, if you get creeped out easily, maybe save the true crime books for a daytime weekend read. 

Some of my favorite books I’ve read so far this year are:

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

Things you Save in a Fire by Katherine Center

Mindhunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit

2. Use Linen Spray

You know how lovely it is to have fresh sheets? Well, most of us don’t wash our sheets everyday so linen spray is the next best thing. I spritz this lavender scented spray and on my pillow and sheets and it makes me feel like I’m at the spa spa. Lavender in particular is a very calming scent so that doesn’t hurt either. 

3. Darken the Room

Let’s be real, it’s so much easier to sleep when you can’t see light through your eyelids. My clients love their blackout shades, especially if they live in the city. We used black out shades in all the bedrooms on our Craftsman Contemporary and Newlyweds in Kensington projects. 

If black out shades aren’t an option, an eye mask is a great alternative. Here is a list of sustainable options from The Good Trade. 

4. Calming Sounds

I recently downloaded the Calm app and there are so many options to help you drift off to sleep better and get real rest. They offer a variety of guided meditations, music and soundscapes specifically for sleep. I tend to lean towards the guided meditations. They also have sleep stories which are read by people with the most soothing voices.

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